Privacy Policy

Date: 15/12/2020

"Hair Clipper Prank" is a mobile application developed by Samih EL SAKHAWI.

This app allows you to prank your friends by playing the sound of a hair clipper.

Collected data

"Hair Clipper Prank" does not collect identifiable informations like name, email, phone number, etc. However, "Hair Clipper Prank" displays ads. For that purpose, location datas are collected for targeted advertising.

Third party

"Hair Clipper Prank" uses third party API/products, that have separate privacy policies. Therefore, the developer of "Hair Clipper Prank" have no responsibility or liability for the activities of these third party API/products. Please, see links below for more informations.

"Hair Clipper Prank" is powered by Unity 3d -

Integrated ads use Mopub SDK -


By using "Hair Clipper Prank", you consent to the terms in this privacy policy.


For questions regarding the privacy policy, you may contact the developer at this email address :

2020 - Samih EL SAKHAWI